Veterinarian Serving Arlington, TN

Regular wellness examinations or checkups are highly beneficial for your pet, regardless of their age. These exams provide an excellent opportunity for veterinarians to conduct a comprehensive physical examination and develop a health profile for your pet. By gathering this information, they can identify medical problems and other issues that may affect your pet's health and quality of life. During a wellness examination, all major organ systems of your pet are evaluated. Veterinarians will ask you questions about your pet's behavior, appetite, exercise habits, and regular activities at home. This is also an ideal time to discuss any routine diagnostic testing that may be necessary or to recommend vaccinations that may be due. Even if your pet appears healthy, a wellness examination can help detect early signs of illness and address health issues before they worsen. Wolfchase Animal Hospital in Bartlett, TN, can be reached at 901-371-9653.

We Care About Your Pets

In addition to assessing your pet's physical health, a wellness examination allows you to address any questions or concerns you may have. Veterinarians welcome all inquiries and strive to help you understand your pet's health considerations. They encourage your active participation in decisions regarding your pet's healthcare.

Moreover, wellness examinations contribute to establishing a strong relationship between you, your pet, and the veterinary team. Through these exams, along with other wellness procedures and consultations, the veterinarians get to know your pet, including their lifestyle, personality, health risks, home environment, and other important information. By utilizing wellness examinations, you can play an active role in your pet's healthcare.


Vaccines play a crucial role in extending the lives of pets and protecting them from deadly infectious diseases. While vaccines have been successful in preventing many diseases, it is essential for caregivers and pet parents to stay vigilant in keeping pets up to date on their vaccinations.

Different vaccines are available for dogs and cats, but not every pet requires every available vaccine. Some vaccines are considered core vaccines and should be administered to all pets, while others are optional and recommended based on factors such as the pet's risk for exposure to diseases. Vaccination recommendations may change as pets age and their circumstances evolve. Veterinary professionals take these factors into account when determining the appropriate vaccines for your pet.

Understanding that each pet is unique, veterinarians are well-educated about veterinary vaccines and aim to provide the best advice for keeping your pet healthy. They can develop a vaccination schedule and ongoing booster routine tailored to your pet's lifestyle, overall health, risk for infectious disease, and other relevant factors.

By protecting your pet through vaccinations, you contribute to their longevity and well-being. To ensure your pet's safety, reach out to your veterinarian to discuss their vaccination needs.

A Charming Town for Pet Owners

Arlington, a charming town nestled in Shelby County, Tennessee, holds a rich history that stretches back for centuries. Originally known as Haysville, the town was established in the 1830s by early settlers who ventured into the area. The town took its name from Samuel Jackson Hays, the original landowner and nephew of President Andrew Jackson. Over the years, Arlington has maintained its rural charm and close-knit community atmosphere.

The growth of Arlington gained momentum with the arrival of the Memphis and Ohio Railroad and the establishment of Withe Depot within its boundaries. By 1856, the population had reached around 200 residents. However, the outbreak of yellow fever in nearby Memphis in 1878 had a significant impact on Arlington, as the town implemented strict quarantine measures to protect its inhabitants. As a result, the population remained stagnant for a period of time.

In 1878, the town was officially incorporated as Haysville. However, due to postal service restrictions, the name was changed to Arlington in 1883. The inspiration for the new name came from Captain Henry Pittman, an Arlington resident who was inspired by his visit to Arlington National Cemetery in Washington, D.C.

Throughout its history, Arlington has experienced both economic challenges and growth. The 1929 economic crash brought a small depression to the town, but Arlington gradually recovered with the opening of Highway 70, which facilitated the influx of outside businesses and spurred economic development.

Education has always been important to the community of Arlington. In 1884, the town's first school, Memphis District High School, was established on what is now known as "College Hill." While it provided education up to the high school level, it was affectionately known locally as "The College."

Arlington takes pride in preserving its historical heritage through various landmarks and buildings. The Rachel H.K. Museum showcases artifacts and pieces of Arlington's history, offering visitors a glimpse into the town's past. Another significant historical site is Arlington's Blacksmith shop, which dates back to the 1800s and remains operational during special events throughout the year. These historical treasures serve as reminders of Arlington's roots and contribute to the town's unique character.

Today, Arlington continues to thrive as a close-knit community with a population that has steadily grown over the years. The town's government operates under a Mayor-Alderman charter, led by Mayor Mike Wissman and a dedicated team of aldermen. Amidst the progress and development, Arlington maintains its small-town charm and strong sense of community, making it an ideal place to call home.

Within the heart of Arlington, the beloved pets of the town are well-cared for by the compassionate team at Wolfchase Animal Hospital. Whether it's routine check-ups, emergency care, or providing a comforting presence in times of need, Wolfchase Animal Hospital is dedicated to ensuring the health and happiness of Arlington's cherished four-legged companions.

In Arlington, the echoes of the past resonate with the present, creating a vibrant community that celebrates its history while embracing the future. From its humble beginnings as Haysville to its transformation into the beloved town of Arlington, this Tennessee gem remains a testament to the enduring spirit and strong community bonds that define its residents.

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Behavioral Medicine

Your pet's behavior affects every interaction you have with them on a daily basis. Behavior dictates mealtime, exercise, and downtime, and when behavior problems arise, they can strain the bond between you and your pet. In extreme cases, severe behavior problems can lead to euthanasia or surrendering the pet to a shelter.

Pets can experience a range of behavioral issues, from simple housetraining problems to severe anxiety and aggression. Veterinarians are qualified and experienced in diagnosing and addressing these behavior problems, utilizing skills from veterinary clinical medicine, behavioral medicine, and pet training. The goal is to help pets and their owners live together comfortably and safely, reestablishing the bond between pets and their families.

Dealing with behavior problems can be frustrating, and pet owners may blame themselves for their pet's emotional issues. However, many behavior problems stem from simple misunderstandings or unintentionally learned associations during training. Additionally, certain medical conditions can manifest as behavior problems. Seeking an evaluation with a professional skilled in diagnosing and managing behavioral issues is the first step toward resolving the problem.


In the Arlington Area? Give Our Team a Call Today!

(901) 371-9653
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